In late 2018 we launched our new and improved Connekt Plumbing website, and with this came the addition of our new blog! The aim of our blog is to keep our followers and fellow industry peers up to date with what we’ve been up to and maybe
break up all the seriousness around our professional lives and have a bit of a laugh along the way ;-).
So, who and what is Connekt Plumbing? Well, technically we’re just another commercial plumbing contractor or “plumbing service provider”, and like most, we’re industry leading, the most trusted, most experienced, most awarded and simply
the best ever, blah blah blah….. but na really, if you ask anyone of our team or anyone that we’ve been privileged enough to provide our services too, you’ll quickly realise that we’re just a group of reasonably young legends (mostly under 40), who just want
to improve and build on our professional experiences, every day! Like most businesses, we have several core values, yes, but none like the one I just mentioned… “Always striving to be better than who we were yesterday, that’s Connekt Plumbing”. Huh,
you can’t beat that one, yeah? Think about it!
Don’t get me wrong here, we do consider ourselves diligent and professional, we’re just mostly from a newer era than other construction plumbing contractors and plumbing service providers, and our approach simply compliments that. Hey,
the pen and paper days are over mate, so why keep heading down that path? Another benefit of this “new era” approach is the appreciation of technology to assist and optimise our services offered, but we’ll get into this a little later, I can’t waste all blog
topics on this initial post!
So, in summary to our introduction post, welcome to the Connekt Plumbing blog and professionals simply need to smile a lot more
J. Like they say, we spend more than 80% of our lives at work, so ya gotta enjoy it!
We invite people from all walks to follow our blog for industry insights, professional recommendations, case studies and general business updates.
Stay tuned, we’re heading to ISH 2019 in Germany next month, the world’s biggest trade fair for the water and HVAC industries, which may very well be the topic for March 2019!
Happy plumbing J.